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We focus on health at the cellular level and regulating sugar and carbohydrate metabilsm by using technology that targets the microscopic cells in our body.   Further, we target an important organ in sugar metabolism known as the michocondria.


The mitochondria is almost  impossible to reach by conventional supplements.  However, our proprietary Nano-biotechnology breaks down pure natural ingredients into billions of tiny particles  so they are small enough to pass through the cell walls and reach the mitochondria.


When one looks at the boundless energy of a child compared to an elderly person, the devastating impact of mitochondrial degradation become instantly apparent.


A myriad of recent scientific reports link defective and deficient mitochondria to virtually all degenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s, type 2 diabetes, heart failure, and  even cancer.


Mitochondria are the only cell components (other than the nucleus) to possess their own DNA. 


Human cells may house anywhere from 2 to 2,500 mitochondria, depending on tissue type, antioxidant status, and other factors.


A growing number of biologists espouse the theory that mitochondrial number and function determine human longevity.


To put it simply, the more functional mitochondria you have in your cells, the greater your overall health and durability. The problem is that as we age, our mitochondria degrade and become dysfunctional.


Age-related destruction of the mitochondria occurs more rapidly than in other cell components, meaning that for most people it is loss of functional mitochondria that ultimately leads to personal extinction.


The positive effects on health and well being are nothing less than remarkable.


Our products address problems such as low energy, metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes, circulation, inflammation and other cardiovascular related conditions.



Gently Cleanse Cells & Renew

Every ingredient we use existed 1,000 years ago so the body can process them properly. This provides the ultimate "bioavailabilty" your cell crave!  Gently cleansing your cells is vital to vitality, natural energy, optimal health and a longer life span.


  • Fermentation Technology:  The base of traditional Japanese  nutrition.

  • Green Nanotechnology:  By using the natural plant oil "bio-actives" deliver deep into the body  at the Cellular Level to the Mitochondria.



A delicious berry flavor in a convenient individual serving. Easy to mix powder you simply add to water & drink.


  • Reduce sugar and carbohydrate absorption in the stomach.

  • Support weight management by reducing the accumulation of fats.

  • Reduce stomach inflammation.

  • Provide balance within the body by amplyifying to heal itself.

Evening Formula Step



A delicious lemon lime flavor in a convenient individual serving.  Easy to mix  powderyou simply add to water and drink.


  • Remove toxins in your blood and your cells while improving circulation.

  • Restore and improve digestion with powerful antioxidants.

  • Promote cellular regeneration.

  • Naturally increase energy.

  • Slow the aging process by decreasing inflammation and damage.

Day Formula Step


Jump Starts Your Cellular Metabolism
 Kosher Certified
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