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Kevin Peng Xu is the CEO of MEBO International, a California and Beijing based intellectual property Management Company responsible for managing "Human Body Regenerative Restoration Science" (HBRRS).

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achievements too numerous to list HERE. see all IN link HERE:

Rongxiang Xu is a renowned trauma/burn surgeon, an independent human life scientist without borders, the only scientist achieving in situ regeneration of damaged organs in the field of human medicine and cutting-edge life science, as well as the inventor and patentee of the patent regarding “developing drugs to regenerate damaged organs”- the US president Obama’s 2013 priority of national scientific development, and the discoverer and initiator of human regenerative life.  

Sadly, Dr. Xu passed away in 2015 after choking.  His son, staff and WE shall carry on his legacy.

Burn Patient Studies   >>

Quick Facts:

Phase I.  Burn restoration.  Wet treatment.  13 patents.

Phase II.  R & D for Internal product for circulation Esp. for Type 1 diabeties limb loss.

Phase III.  Organ regeneration.  1st somatic cell into a stem cell.  Intelligence of the human body.

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Ivan Yoder & Barbara Turner

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